Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scenario of Whey Production In India

When we talk about the by-products of the dairy industry, the name that invariably comes to the mind is that of whey. Whey can be obtained during the manufacturing process of paneer, shrikhand, cheese etc. Along with the major water soluble vitamins, minerals and lactose, about 10% of the total milk proteins are there in whey.

Looking at the recent trends in the production of indigenous milk products, there has been a massive increase in the production of whey. According to what statistics indicate about 3 million tons of whey is produced every year. All these whey products contain approximately 2 lac tons of essential milk proteins.

As per the current practices in the dairy industry, majority of the solid components of whey are thrown away as wastage. This is a dangerous practice as not only it incurs huge loss to the valuable nutrients present in whey but also causes colossal damages to the environment.

The major reason behind this is that whey has an extremely high BOD (30000 to 60000ppm). This high value of Biological Oxygen Demand is extremely dangerous to the environment and human health. To avoid this situation, there has to be a solution for treatment of the waste whey products. However this has not been possible so far due to the fact that the technologies available till date for the treatment of whey used to be very expensive. However with the technology available to treat whey and convert it into whey protein concentrate we now have a lot of safe and healthy means to consume whey and get benefited by all the good stuffs that whey contains.